From now until 2/14 at 11:59pm CST, add an ear bonnet to your order of $250 or more & it is free! Comes with your logo embroidered on it. Happy Valentine's Day my sweets! Click here to be immediately directed to the bonnets! Discount automatically applies in cart.

Team Store Set Up

Team Store Set Up

Regular price
Sale price

  • $100 to set up the team store with 15 items. The cost of the team store will be refunded when a total of $500 is placed. Your store will be live within 5 business days.
  • 15 items per store are included with the initial fee. Variations between colors of the same style and fit (Men’s, Women’s, Youth, etc.) do not count as additional items. 
  • Team Stores include free logo set up. (Regularly $35) 
  • You can enable fundraising/money back during the store building process. Let us know the percentage or dollar amount you would like added to each item. This will apply to every order placed with us. You will receive your fundraising/money back total in the form of a rebate check or store credit every quarter when $25 is met. If your fundraising/money back minimum is not met, it will roll over into the next quarter until it is reached. If a rebate check is requested, a 5% bookkeeping fee will apply to each check issued & will be deducted from the check total. 
  • There will be an opportunity at the end of winter and end of summer to swap out items to fit the following seasons, spring/summer & fall/winter respectively. 
  • Team Stores can be our most popular items or you can choose them yourself from our website ( ) or our warehouse site ( )